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AC Installation

Do I Need a New AC Installation in Knoxville, TN?

When Knoxville, TN, is hot, it isn’t a time you want to be without a properly working air conditioner. Your AC system will give you signs when something isn’t right. Knowing what to look and listen for can be beneficial. The following are signs your air conditioner is likely past the point of repair and needs replacing with a new AC installation:

Rising Energy Bills

If your energy bills have been relatively consistent and suddenly skyrocket for what seems like no reason, it may be time for a new air conditioner. Such actions are typically signs that your AC system is working harder than necessary. Chances are, once you get the new AC installation, you’ll notice your energy bills decrease.

Age of the Air Conditioner

An air conditioner usually lasts approximately 10 years before it needs replacing. If you’re approaching the decade mark or have already passed it, consider getting a new AC installation to ensure you’re not suddenly stuck without a system if your current one unexpectedly breaks down. It also gives you enough time to shop around and find the perfect air conditioner that fits your cooling demands rather than feeling rushed into a quick purchase.

Constant AC Repairs

The occasional air conditioner repair is one thing, but it’s another when the system is repeatedly costing you an exorbitant amount of money on repairs. You don’t want to get to the point where the total cost of what you’ve spent on trying to repair the system far exceeds what you would have spent on a new AC installation.


The job of an air conditioner is to cool your space, so there’s a major problem if it’s not effectively doing the task, especially considering you’re paying a monthly energy bill only for the system to not work properly. Issues can range from it producing warm air or barely blowing any air to uneven cooling. If your home refuses to stay at a comfortable, consistent temperature, consider an air conditioner upgrade.

Uncommon Noises and Smells

An air conditioner that’s producing abnormal odors and noises is signaling to you there’s an issue. You know the standard sounds and smells of your air conditioner, and there shouldn’t be much of either if the system is properly working.

One of the most worrisome issues tends to be if it smells like something is burning. This can indicate that there may be an electrical issue, which is a dangerous problem if a fire starts. Turn off your system immediately and contact an AC repair service technician. They will likely advise you that a new air conditioner is in your best interest due to the potential fire risk.

Constant Frustration

Your air conditioner is supposed to be working in the background of your life, helping to keep your home comfortable at a preferred temperature. If it’s turned into a constant source of stress, you’re better off getting a new AC installation. The situation may be particularly frustrating if you’re home frequently throughout the day and find keeping your air conditioner running a constant battle no matter what you try.

Problems might range from hearing the system making odd noises to you having to constantly adjust the thermostat while trying to get it to produce cool air. A new AC installation can work effectively and efficiently, once again returning to being an asset in your home rather than a constant problem. Seeking professional advice from a qualified AC service technician can result in air conditioner recommendations ideal for your budget, preferences and lifestyle.

Don’t wait until your air conditioner completely stops working before you get a new system. Contact Melton Heating and Air Conditioning for AC installation services at your home. Our family- and veteran-owned company employs NATE-certified service technicians and offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee for our customers’ peace of mind.

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