air conditioners

What Can I Expect from an Air Conditioning Installation?

The average lifespan of a central air conditioning system is 12 years, explains Energy Star. After this amount of time, it’s wise to start planning on a replacement. If this is the first time you’ve handled an air conditioning installation in your Clinton, TN home, you might not know what to expect during and after the process. Read on to find out how AC installation works and what our technicians will do for you once the installation is complete.

Prepare Your Home

The first step in an air conditioning installation is preparing your home. Our technicians will measure and evaluate your home’s ducts. They’ll also do a cooling load calculation to make sure that you’re getting the right size of air conditioning system. Our team will also explain any tax incentives, rebates or other benefits that are available to you for replacing or upgrading your air conditioner.

Remove the Old Unit

In most cases, our technicians remove your old air conditioning system on the day of the installation. Sometimes, they’ll do this the day before the installation. Most homes in Clinton have a split cooling system, with the evaporator unit indoors and the condenser and compressor unit outdoors. The removal of the old equipment will require access to your yard and the inside of your home. In some cases, old ductwork near the air handler will also need to be removed. The equipment removal process takes a couple of hours. During this time, you won’t be able to use the old air conditioner.

Install the New Air Conditioner

Installation of your new air conditioning system will take a few hours. The outdoor unit will be secured to a concrete pad next to your home. Our technicians install the indoor unit next. They will put an air filter into the air handler. The technicians connect the wiring and tubing for the refrigerant. The wires and tubes connect the indoor and outdoor units and require an opening in your home’s wall or foundation. Finally, any new ductwork will be connected.

Test the New Cooling System

Once the new air conditioning system is installed, wired and filled with refrigerant, our technicians test it. They make sure that the unit is drawing the right amount of power. The system’s cooling capacity, refrigerant pressure and thermostat settings will also be verified during this testing phase.

Show You How to Use the Air Conditioner

After verifying that the new air conditioning system is working properly, our lead technician will review the system with you. They’ll explain how the system works and show you how to program the thermostat. Our technician will also show you how to check and replace the air filter each month. Doing this ensures that the system operates at its peak level of efficiency. They’ll also review the paperwork with you. This includes the manufacturer’s warranty as well as our customer satisfaction guarantee. The system’s maintenance schedule will be reviewed with you, too. We recommend an annual springtime tune-up for all makes and models of air conditioning systems. Keeping up with maintenance on your new air conditioner maintains its high energy efficiency and prevents premature wear and tear.

Reap the Benefits of a New Cooling System

Once your AC installation is complete, you’ll start reaping the benefits of the new system right away. If you choose an Energy Star-certified air conditioner, your electricity bills should drop by 15% or more each month during the summertime. If you chose a high-efficiency cooling system with a SEER rating of 20 or more, you could save up to 50% on your cooling costs, explains the Department of Energy. New air conditioners operate quietly. Their cycles are longer, which means better air filtration and a more consistent temperature. They’re also compatible with smart thermostats, which help you save more money. These thermostats are easy to use, and they offer a high level of convenience for managing your home’s comfort.

For more information about what to expect from an AC installation, take a look at Melton Heating and Air Conditioning’s AC services, or contact us today.

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