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Why Does My Knoxville HVAC System Keep Short Cycling?

If your HVAC system is struggling to keep up with the Knoxville, Tennessee weather, you may have a problem with short cycling. Short-cycling means your system fails to complete full heating or cooling cycles, frequently turning on and off instead. This wastes energy, causes increased wear and tear and leaves your home less comfortable. If it’s not addressed quickly, it can eventually cause damage that requires extensive HVAC repairs. If you suspect a short-cycling problem, here are the three most likely culprits.

Oversized HVAC Equipment

You might think that bigger is better, but that certainly isn’t true with HVAC systems. In fact, a system that’s too big for your home or business is among the most common causes of short cycling. An oversized system tends to produce too much hot or cold air at once and then shut off prematurely. Poorly sized equipment can also lead to issues with moisture control. Unfortunately, a system replacement is often the only remedy. To avoid this problem, always have an experienced HVAC contractor help you select and install your HVAC system.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Operating with inadequate refrigerant is a big deal for your HVAC system. Low refrigerant causes your system to work harder while cooling your home less effectively. This can trigger unpredictable on-off cycles, accelerating wear and endangering your system’s most vital components. Recharging your refrigerant is a simple process, but an HVAC contractor will also need to locate and repair any leaks.

Poor Maintenance

Add short cycling to the long list of problems that can be caused by inadequate system maintenance. Clogged air filters, dirty or frozen evaporator coils and electrical faults can all disrupt your system’s operation and trigger short cycling. The good news is that each of these problems can also be avoided with regular preventive maintenance. It’s impossible to completely prevent every potential malfunction, but a little routine care goes a long way.

A short cycling HVAC system is a headache waiting to happen. To avoid costly HVAC repairs and spiraling energy costs, it’s important to address the underlying issue promptly. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, check out Melton Heating and Air Conditioning’s professional HVAC services.

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