Quality Indoor Air Quality Products and Services

in Knoxville, TN and Surrounding Areas

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Fresh, clean indoor air helps protect your family’s health and comfort. That’s why Melton Heating and Air Conditioning, your Knoxville air quality company, offers a complete line of IAQ solutions that are designed to remove airborne allergens and other harmful contaminants.

indoor air quality

Air Cleaners & Air Purifiers

Air cleaners and air purifiers come in several types. Each type uses a different technology to remove impurities from the air inside your home. Air filters are one type. They come in either stand-alone portable units or in frames designed for use inside your HVAC system. The airborne particle types and sizes that are captured and removed from the air with this technology depend on the fineness of the filter’s mesh. HEPA filters are the finest. Ionizers, ozone generators and UV lamps are other technologies used either together or alone to kill or capture pollutants that cause allergies or illness.

Air Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers

The level of relative humidity inside your home plays a key role in your family’s comfort in both summer and winter. Keeping relative humidity within a comfortable range can sometimes be a challenge. Indoor humidity tends to rise to higher-than-normal levels in summer and drop below average in winter. In summer, your AC system is designed to control humidity, though at times it may need a little help. That’s when a dehumidifier can pick up the slack. In winter, your HVAC system may actually become the cause of indoor air that’s uncomfortably dry. That’s when a humidifier can help.

Heat Recovery & Energy Recovery Ventilators

Like humidity control solutions, ventilators also come in models that are specifically suited for either winter or summer use. In summer, energy recovery models bring in fresh air from outside, cool and condition it and then deliver it to the interior of your home to enhance your family’s comfort. They move the stale indoor air outside. In winter, heat recovery models also draw fresh air into your home from outside. However, they warm it instead of cooling it, making it more comfortable for your family to breathe.

At Melton Heating and Air Conditioning, we offer all the indoor air quality technologies you need to enhance your family’s health and comfort. Call us today to discuss your IAQ needs. Our service area includes Knoxville, Oak Ridge, Lenoir City, Clinton, TN and the surrounding areas.

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